Suddenly, the mood is broken as an enormous black bear enters the camp grounds. Going back to her parents, she tells what she saw, and her mother explains that they can lead a person to their destiny. Merida runs off and retrieves it, but soon encounters a glowing blue willo-the-wisp. As Merida tries to hit a target, one of the arrows sails off into the forest nearby. Though Elinor happily plays with Merida, she grows perturbed when Fergus gives the little girl her own bow and set of arrows.

Now, Merida must discover the true meaning of courage and undo a beastly curse before it's too late. Merida seeks help from an eccentric witch, who grants her an ill-fated wish. Her defiance of an age-old tradition angers the Highland Lords and leads to chaos in the kingdom. Princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald), the impetuous, but courageous, daughter of Scottish King Fergus (Sir Billy Connolly) and Queen Elinor (Dame Emma Thompson), is a skilled archer who wants to carve out her own path in life. Can she save her mother or will Elinor stay as this beast permanently? All Merida wanted was to be free, and have her mother stop being so controlling. After she eats it, she becomes a hideous beast and Merida must save her mother from staying like this beast forever. Merida gets so fed up that she runs into a witch hut and she creates a spell pastry to give to Elinor. Her mother, Elinor (Dame Emma Thompson) is an elegant Queen who is trying to teach Merida to be a true Princess, but she doesn't want to. (Kelly Macdonald), a redheaded Princess who lives in a castle located in Scotland.